How to price your CrashPad…

Traditional / normal CrashPads generally go for between $200 – $350 per bed and have bunk beds in most rooms. Aircrew generally pay for amenities and distance from the airport.

I have stayed in one CrashPad that had 5 bunk beds (10 spots) in 1 room.

Pilots will often pay more for a private or semi-private room, as they more often make much more than the flight attendants.

To get more inquiries on your pad, I would put in bunk beds and charge less.

Let’s run through the numbers together….

If someone is trying to rent a private or semi-private room for let’s say $500 there will definitely be lest inquiries for your property.

If you put in 2 bunk beds (4 spots) in each room and charged $250 per spot, that would be $1,000 per room, or $2,000 for the whole place; obviously much more than the current $500 asking prices.

Here is a page that talks a bit more about it.