How AutoPay – Automatic Rent Payments works

How do Free listings work? Initially pay the Listing Fee. Invite tenants to join your CrashPad with AutoPay (Automatic Rent Payments – 1% fee). You will be refunded the Listing Fee when your tenant accepts the invitation, joins your CrashPad and the first rent...

New Packages & AutoPay Roadmap

Goal – Monday at 10PM – Rith – have payments and Laravel queue + email logs ready Chantz – We should get AutoPay working for the 1st of the month – priority over adding new Packages Lucas – AutoPay rent, Lister renewal, Featured listings (1-time or...

AutoPay – Automatic Rent Payment Fee Breakdown

Stripe fees The Charge – to process payment and charge the Tenant 2.9% + .30 cents flat fee The Payout – to payout to Lister’s debit card on CrashPad411 account .25% + .25 cents flat fee Total fees 2.9% + .25% (Stripe fees) + our 1% = 4.15% + .30 cents flat and .25...